Drift Inn

Discover New Depths | Must-Visit Dive Sites In Belize

Belize is known for having the second largest barrier reef in the world and also for having one of the best diving spots that is most to visit. Country is well-known by divers around the world we will have thousands visiting the cayes during the year. This guide will walk you through all you need to know to experience the best dive sites in Belize for yourself and what to expect along the way.

Hol Chan Marine Reserve

Hol Chan Marine Reserve and Shark Ray Alley at only 7.8 square kilometers is the smallest marine reserve in the world. The water no deeper than 9 meters/27 feet it has one of the highest concentrations of sharks and rays. This Marine reserve is one of the best dive sites in Belize.

Rocky Point

About a 25-30 minute boat ride Inside the sheltered waters of the reef to the north of the Island. Two tank dive: morning and afternoon. Excellent visibility. Marine life abounds with plenty of Nassau groupers, lobsters, and spider crabs. There’s additionally a tarpon hole And the mature silvery fish are awesome. The brilliantly colored coral is pretty much untouched. 70 – 80 feet. Spur and groove, shallow canyons. Tarpon and grouper run. At this spot you could also experience some snorkeling read more about other great snorkeling spots.

Toffee Canyon

 Toffee Rocks or San Pedro Canyons is a dive site full of marine life. You will encounter everything from nurse sharks and moray eels to lobsters, crabs, and parrotfish. Further, is the perfect practice location because of its large, clear sandy bottom. Is a boat dive location. As soon as you leave the boat with a backward roll, will see nurse sharks. Some sharks are swimming around, others are resting on the bottom.

Victoria Tunnels

Diving in Victoria Tunnels is Great you can find Reef, sea life Typically, visibility is Good (10 – 30 m) although the maximum depth can attain is 33m/109ft. To reach Victoria Tunnels you have to do it By boat This dive site is suitable for all divers. Explore tunnels and canyons with lots of fish, eels, spider crabs, lobster, shoals of fish, and groupers. You may spot a turtle if you’re lucky!

Eagle Ray Canyons

Eagle Ray Canyons is located right outside of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. The canyon is part of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. The canyon is formed by Stag Horn and Elk corals, with many Eagle Rays and a wide variety of marine life swarming the area. It is a very delicately balanced habitat. The dive can be made either as a drift or as an anchor.

Half Moon Wall

When you take the Blue Hole trip from San Pedro, you get more than one dive out of the trip! You’ll also get to do Half Moon Wall and the Aquarium. The Half Moon Wall dive is typically people’s favorite from this trip! The south side of Half Moon has a coral formation which is only 100-200 ft wide. Then there’s also a barren sand flat which separates the rim from the reef along the shore. These two different features so closely together make the dive a spectacular experience. You’ll also be able to visit Half Moon Caye where you can enjoy a lunch, stroll around the island, and visit the Boobie Bird colony.

The Aquarium

The Aquarium is a very popular dive/snorkel destination in Belize, named for its impressive marine life activity. The Aquarium is a sheer drop-off with a surplus of fish on the reef’s top. This is referred to as a table-top formation. It honestly feels like you’re in someone’s home aquarium with the beautiful assortment of varied colors and types of fish you’ll see on this dive.

Tres Cocos

Tres Cocos was named from a group of three tall coconut palm trees just east of Long Caye. This spot is about one mile north of the Hat Caye Drop-off. It is another marvelous dive site from the dive sites in Belize It has a shallow coral reef and wall with big overhangs. The visibility of about 80 feet and depths starting at 30 feet with minimal to medium currents, this makes this a great site for beginners as well. Coral shrimp, large spotted moray eels, lion’s paw sea cucumbers, urchins, arrow crabs, and sea feathers are also found at Tres Cocos. You may also see turtles, Spanish mackerels, Creole, and Black coral on the wall. Farther north on the wall, you will see large sand flats that replace the reef and a wall with gorgeous coral arches below the surface.

South West Wall

Southwest Caye Wall is an underwater cliff that falls quickly to 130 feet. It’s briefly interrupted by a narrow shelf, then continues its near-vertical fall to 350 feet. This dive gives you the exhilaration of flying in blue space, so it’s easy to lose track of how deep you are going. Both ascent and drop require careful monitoring.

The Gladden Spit

The Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve located near Placencia in Southern Belize is a spawning aggregation site for many tropical fish species including the cuber, mutton, and dog snappers which produce tons of spawn. This is what attracts the Whale Shark to the Gladden spit. Divers and snorkelers get a rare opportunity to swim along with this magnificent creature. The wall here slopes down to 160 feet/50 mt then drops off into the blue abyss. Diving is done in mid water at a depth no deeper than 60 feet/18 mt in groups no larger than 12 divers with their dive masters.