Drift Inn welcomes you to check out our hotel cancellation policies to make sure you cancel on time and learn how we expect our guests to behave and conduct themselves while on the property. We want everyone to have a good time and to keep our property maintained for future guests.
- Updated July 2022
- Arrival is considered the check-in date made on the reservation.
- 100% of Payment is due 30 days before arrival.
- 24-Hour Cancellation on the booking date of reservation, unless same-day booking.
- 100% refund for cancellations on bookings 31+ days before arrival (less any deposit amount).
- Reservation credit is available for cancellations made 14 or more days before arrival.
- No refund for cancellations on bookings less than 30 days prior to arrival.
- No-Show is not a cancellation and credit card will be charged for entire reservation.
- No refunds for no-shows or unused portions of accommodations.
- Host reserves the right to cancel reservations and refuse guests with due cause.
- There will be no refunds due to pandemics, airline delays, strikes, political unrest, natural disasters, or weather-related delays or cancellations, including hurricanes.
- Travel insurance is recommended and can be purchased through Travel Guard International: www.travelguard.com.
- Check-in is at 2 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and check out is at 11 a.m.
- Friends of guests (non-guests) must be off the property by 10 PM. Please register overnight visitors. Any non-guests will need to present a form of ID to front desk/security. This is for the safety of all guests on the property and not meant to keep you from having fun.
- Dorm guests are not permitted overnight visitors. Any violators will be fined $100 USD.
- Guests have full access to the grounds. Quiet hours are from 10pm – 10am. All communal areas are closed at midnight. Please respect guests who may be sleeping. Any violators may be fined up to $100 USD per person.
- All rooms are non-smoking. Take a walk around, sit near the pool, and please throw cigarettes in ashtrays or bins. Any violators will be fined $100 USD.
- Any missing items or damages to the room will result in additional charges.
- All items in the room are meant to remain in the rooms (no towels or linens are to be taken out or used at the beach). We have beach towels for rent.
- Making a local call is free for guests. International calls are not always possible at the hotel and require $5 BZD for a short call.